February 18, 2010

Facing The Important Issues In Ufology

If you've been around in the UFO field for some time now, you will have realised what a whirlwind ride this subject can take you on. However, over the years you may have come to learn, like many others before you, that finding answers to your questions about ETs is not the real goal of your quest. The goal for many, and we believe for our civilization, is not to find the answers but to ask the right questions, for it is only in the work of unearthing the right questions that we will create the impetus within our civilization to take us forward into galactic citizenship.

The years that researchers have spent taking reports from the public, interviewing witnesses, conducting investigations, reading, researching etc, are important steps and have built the foundations for the future of UFO research. However, the UFO subject has a way of acting like a boomerang for many of us. When we stray too far from it's centre it returns us to our personal entry point, which for many has been reports of extraterrestrial worlds and ET societies that function with no war, far less disease (in some cases no disease), how various ETs govern their society by the people and for the people, how those societies handle the issue of longevity and their great reverence for all life.

Curiously, questions about extraterrestrial life have a funny way of turning us inward to question life on Earth. Moreover, we're challenged to reassess our understanding of life, where it comes from, how we respond to it and how tolerant we can be of other lifeforms which may be very different from us. In it's own way the UFO subject prepares us for open contact.

The process of how our present civilization can get from where we are now to the ET model before us contains the most important social questions of our time. No wonder the UFO cmmunity keeps avoiding them, but these are questions we need to face if we are to take the next step towards understanding both our inner and outer worlds.