December 4, 2008

If You Eat Your Vegies Will You Make Contact With ET?

Here it is, approaching Christmas, a time of year when we kick back, take a breath and ponder over the years UFO events. Sometimes you get so busy with the “doing” that its easy to forget the “being”. And while we’re on the subject, can someone tell us how you have to “be” to make contact with ET? There’s a few theories floating around that, when you weigh them up, don’t really make any sort of sense.

For example, There’s the “spiritually developed people will make contact with ET” theory. Well some people believe that ET is a bit picky and choosey over who they contact. Not for them the drunken bum in the gutter, they prefer the human who is well on their way to spiritual enlightenment – presumably this will make it easier on the ETs, somehow. But don’t worry, ET can still use those bums in the gutter in their breeding program, apparently.

Then there’s the theory that humans must be ‘pure of body’ to make contact. This means no eating meat or sullying ourselves with drugs and alcohol (some believers even deny themselves sex…egads). Apparently having a pure body makes contact more desirable. Hmm. Making contact with ET is starting to sound more and more like joining a Buddhist monastery, huh.

But why DOES ET put so many caveats on making contact? Why are they concerned with our spiritual development and our physical state of being? What would it matter? We’re here, we’re mean, and we’re not very green. They either want to meet us or they don’t, and how long do they plan to wait until we make ourselves presentable? Why hang around, taunting us with their presence, if we’re too distasteful to make contact with?

Well in our not so humble opinion, as we perch in our ivory tower, it’s all human projection. As far as we’re concerned ET gives bugger-all about our “development”. We’re sure they have concerns about their emerging galactic neighbours but they’ve had a long time to learn to cope with those who may not be up to scratch.

So in the spirit of the season, we suggest that ET show us some tenderness and mercy and stop beating around the bush. Make yourselves overtly known to humanity, love thy fellow, um, being and get on with it. It’s what Christmas is all about! Isn’t it?

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